King Kong

King Kong is a game where you are doing 1 of 5 things:
1. Smashing V-Rex es and smashing anything else as Kong.
2. Running away from V-Rex es and anything else as Jack.
3. Defending Carl and Jimmy as they turn levers and open doors.
4. Turning levers and opening doors while being defended by Jimmy.
5. Looking for levers to open doors.
Unfortunately King Kong Official game of the movie is very repetitive due to the never ending mazes of paths and seemingly identical levels matches the saying " Seen one you've seen 'em all." Although you can unlock bonuses that allow you to turn it black and white or flip it horizontally it doesn't do much. You can almost predict what will happen in the next 10 minutes. But enough of the bad and more of the good, the game is surprisingly intense as you swim through water or wade through bushes, and weapons can be lit on fire or break. The rifle is the most common weapon throughout the game. Anyway, I hope you can enjoy this game even through the negatives of the game.
Music warns you of impending danger or peace and listen carefully to hear the patter of footsteps that warn you to hurry up because they don't always belong to your allies.
Graphics are okay but could have been better. Rain makes things shiny and obscures your vision.
Waterfalls put out your fiery spears. V-rexes will eat dead things first for some reason but be glad they do. If you spear a Raptor in the the head expect it to be dead but always double check.
+plentiful spears and ammo crates
+Playable Kong
-very repetitive
-Ney York level poorly organized
=40 levels is a bit tiring
?Why are V-Rexes Invincible to Jack?
Final grade: 6.5