Blazing Angels: Fighter Squadrons of WWII

Have you ever wanted to fly a B-17 over German controlled France while dropping tons of explosives on factories and other buildings on a grand scale? Well you will find it in Blazing Angels Campaign mode. Have you ever wanted to drop a bomb onto your rival in mid air or shoot him down with rockets like you did in Secret Weapons Over Normandy? Well you won't find it in Blazing Angels multiplayer. Blazing Angels campaign is everything you could ask for with blackouts, gushing hydraulic fluids and German pilots screaming Die! Die! Die! as they hurl toward the ground, but the multiplayer could use some help. Sure the co-op is great but the player vs. player battles stink. Instead of having rockets and bombs and heavy machine guns like in SWON, you just get the good'ol machine gun. if you are just going to have one weapon you should have to at least use it wisely, an overheat meter or something, I mean really, is it realistic to go guns blazing (no pun intended) throughout the entire mission?
The graphics won't melt your TV, but don't expect a lot here.
Sounds are pretty much what you would expect here (what else do you here other than the engine?)
Once again, not much here.
The Grade:
+Ace paintings
-not enough bombers
Final Score=8.0
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