Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend

Tomb Raider: Legend is the seventh installment of the Tomb Raider series, but hopefully, not the last. Sure the game of 8 levels may be a little short but it is still is very good. With plenty of outfits and bonuses, Legend is bound to keep you replaying levels for awards and hidden easter eggs. The story makes you travel the globe searching for hidden artifacts that turn out to form the mighty Excalibur when joined. Legend is a platformer, so be prepared for plenty of leaps of faith, shimmying from ledge to ledge, and fighting in third person. Even though it is short, it still gives you a good game.
The sounds are something you should pay attention to. They provide vital clues on how to survive. Ducati Monster sounds a little weak though.
The graphics are OK, but they could have done a little better job here.
You must always stay on your toes in this game, with hidden traps and awards you wouldn't want to miss.
The Grade:
+Fun Levels
+Good storyline...
=Ducati Monster
-...but not enough answers
-too short
Final Score:8.5
thanks man. I hope you enjoy my site.
Dear haloplayer,
please don't take offence to cappy's comments. you seem like an upstanding citizen like the rest of us, except you probably spend upwards of 10 hours a day gameing in hopes of becomeing a pro video game nerd. I, for one admire that. This cappy sounds like a captain A-hole, the kind of guy we all knew in Highschool that our mothers warned us about. You know....the guy who has such low selfesteem that he has to belittle "us" to make himself feel BIG....In all reality I bet this guy has a problem with his small infunctional genitals. Just because You probably will never use yours in anyway with a real woman doesn't give him the right to call you out like that. I hope i have inspired you to keep on keep on keep on having those "special" dreams with Laura just say no to a real relationship with a real woman.
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