Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

Ghost Recon is surprisingly realistic squad straragey game at first, but unless you have Xbox Live, It also has surprisngly little non campaign objectives. Campaign is fun for the first few levels as enemies are basically blind but after about the fourth level the game is suddenly mercilessly hard. I'm not saying this because of my lack of skill, if you just barely see the tip of their helmets than they will hunt you down like a pack of angry hornets. But don't take my word for it, multiplayer is two thumbs up and is certinaly worth renting, but buying, no.
Feels more like 2002 technology but cover is plentiful.
Cool Music scenes instead of loading screens.
Plenty of eye candy to see, but nothing breathtaking
Music loading scenes is way better than loading screens.
Guns sound like they should.
+tact. map
+Squad control
=enemy AI
-a little too hard
-ok graphics
-ok offline multiplayer
Final Score= 8.5